Tuesday 20 October 2009

Research - Choice

During the research for the designing of this site I tried to gain an exact definition of choice and its link to behavior and overall outcome/user experience.

In life you are often met with choices; in-fact you have to make choice all the time: to walk one way, to order hot chocolate instead of coffee to make a blog as evidence of your thought process?

Choice is a key part of life. If in my site I offer a choice will this be a useful tool? A choice in a site represents a choice within a choice and could deter users from experiencing a site. I am going to do some research into the role of Choice; and how it is related to user experience a key aspect of web design.


Definition: In the personal development sense, choice refers to the act of choosing from among alternatives of beliefs, lifestyle and behavior.

Example: After realizing that his whining and complaining behavior was alienating his friends, Jeremy knew he had to make a choice between his habitual behavior and his friends.

Taken from: http://personaldevelopment.suite101.com/article.cfm/what_is_choice_#ixzz0UTsMcgR3

It would appear that the 'role' of choice has immediate implications which I personally relate to user experience. The option of choice could be appealing to many, but to some it may promote something that a passive spectator will not digest, and, will therefore not continue to progress through the site. I am going to continue to research this topic and based upon my findings my design will take shape. I believe the option of choice in design is a good one. But is this a universal belief? and if this is not, then are the symbolisms of shapes also read in the same context regardless of social background, age, sex and political beliefs?

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